trends and insights

Trends and Insights

As our industry changes, adapting is essential. Check back often for new insights, data, and trends.
Man holding carrots in his hands

9 Ways to Reduce Food Waste

With benefits that are both bottom-line and earth-friendly, reducing food scraps and waste is smart business. Here are easy ways to trim the toss.

Woman gathering vegetables in field

Planetpro: Climate Change – How food service can contribute to the solution

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges we face today.

Planetpro: No Time to Waste—More From Every Ingredient

Generations of cooks have learned to squeeze every ounce of goodness from their ingredients. And many time-honored techniques are also effective ways to cut down on kitchen waste.

Sustainable takeout packaging

The Search for More Sustainable Takeout Packaging

After the explosion of takeout and delivery over the past 18 months, a review of sustainable packaging habits for off-premise is now in order.

Farmer delivering a basket of local produce to a foodservice cafe owner

Sustainability, Back in Focus

As COVID-19 challenges ease, the foodservice industry is once again focusing on sustainability, rededicating itself to greener operations, ethical operating principles, and environmental initiatives.

Food waste in a kitchen trash can

Understanding Food Waste

A comprehensive food-waste audit is the first step to solving the problem.

Planetpro: No Time to Waste—Getting on the Right Track

No matter how much space, budget, or time you have to allocate to reducing waste, you can start to make changes today.

Planetpro: No Time to Waste—Choosing More Sustainable Ingredients

Certain types of food place more strain on the environment due to their water or land requirements, carbon footprint, agricultural chemicals, biodiversity concerns, or other environmental pressures. 

Planetpro: No Time to Waste—The Restaurant’s Role in Reducing Trash

Today many customers are also interested in your waste reduction efforts, as they begin to realize the environmental costs of waste. In this first issue of Planetpro, we will take a look at this topic and show you some practical ways you can manage waste.

Planetpro: No Time to Waste—At the Table

Dinner is served, but waste reduction doesn’t end here. There are several steps you can take to prevent or cut back on waste as you serve the meal and clean up after your guests.

Whole sardines in a metal bowl

Quality, Sustainable Seafood Gets Consumers’ Attention

Learn why sustainable seafood, including a traceable supply chain, is important to the planet, consumers, and you. It’s more than just “doing the right thing.” It’s an intelligent business strategy.

Beyond Business Impact

Beyond Business Impact

NESCAFÉ Affects Global Improvement with its Social and Environmental Efforts


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